maandag 8 juli 2019


Life is not a puzzle that needs to be solved

The ego is searching for God so eagerly that he is full of pain . 
He can't find what he already is.

The one fighting for good or bad is still fighting.

Let go of all the fights.
 See who thinks something is lacking. 
See that you don't have to fight...
... to be at home.

The mind creates the illusion that you are and all the other objects.
See what created the mind.

Don't try to think yourself to the 'Self'
For being yourself you have to let go and see
what makes you think, act and experience via the senses

The devil is just God in pain
Not knowing who he really is..

There is nothing to resist and nothing to fight for.
If so, you're still in the illusion.
The illussion appears but it's not what you are.
Just let go.
Return to love.

Fighting even for the light and good
Can make you blind for the fact
that you're the light already
You're the Love already.
Nothing to fight for.

woensdag 11 juli 2018


Certainty doesn't exist

That's for certain 😊😊😊

Everything is moving on and ever changing..

You can't hold on to a moment but you can be in the moment.

Because in the moment is where you find yourself..

Always there.. 

Looking through your eyes

Being with you in the moment.

Be in harmony with the moment...

With Life itself..

No matter where you are

No matter where you go..

Celebrate this moment..

Let this moment give you ultimate joy..

Let it open your heart

Expand your universe

Life is not a puzzle which you have to solve..

Life is there to experience 

Live in every moment just as it is presented to you.

Just experience the moment and let go..

Breathe in..

and out..


Trust your intuition
Make small steps full of confidence
Trust that Life itself has good intentions.
Isn't Life itself what you are?
Trust Life
Life is what brought you here in the first place..
Life gave birth to you.
You are not the mind..
The mind is just a sideeffect of Life..
You are That what gave birth to the mind..
The mind itself is just a bunch of loose thoughts
it's not what you are
Thoughts just arise in you..
Life  makes you breathe, feel, taste, see, hear...
And beyond..
Special and worth to cherish

woensdag 8 juli 2015

Hold on

Hold on to Love
Hold on to Life
Hold on to what you are

All words...
But what do words express
And who's uttering these words
Who's behind the mind
Who's behind the ego
And yet mind and ego as well

If you exclude everything
and get nothing in return.
Does that mean you're the nothing or the everything... or both or don't you know.

Who wants to get all the answers and is maybe part of the answer
Maybe the questioner and the answer
But what the hell I know
The knowitall is part of the mystery
What mystery?
...I don't know...
Just hold on to it... and let go..

donderdag 12 maart 2015

You are gone..

Life rising, dreaming wondering
Sparkling light energy
Finding its way and grows
Erupts emerges and  just 'is'

Breathing with all your cells
All your atoms
All your vibes
Vibrating with all your cells
Living caring with all your heart

Let yourself go....
Find out who you are...
See your own abyss and let yourself go..
Find out who you are..
What always has been here
In this life right where you are
The only thing ..
Which stays when ..
You are gone...

zaterdag 4 oktober 2014

Bewust Zijn

Zie het onveranderlijke in je Zelf.
Dat wat altijd aanwezig is.
Wanneer je bewust wilt zijn richt je dan op dat onveranderlijke.
Het is er je hele leven al
Het onveranderlijke 'is'
Leegte zonder oordeel
Ongeboren schoonheid
Aanschouwer van alles
Niet te verwarren met de getuige die bewust wil zijn
En zijn onbewustheid afkeurt.
Dat is slechts het ego in vermomming.
Je ware Zelf oordeelt niet
Voor je ware Zelf is er geen bewust- of onbewustheid.
Je ware Zelf is allesomvattend.
En het is er al.

vrijdag 3 januari 2014


Open je ogen
Zie wat er is.
Is er iets anders dan het Nu?
Leef in het Nu!
Eigenlijk overbodig
Absoluut gezien kun je niet anders
Want waar je ook bent
In gedachten over de toekomst
Over het verleden
Over problemen
Altijd vanuit het 'Nu'

Daar is niets mis mee
Tenzij je gelooft dat jij deze gedachten bent en hieronder lijdt
Ben jij deze gedachten of verschijnen ze in jou?
Zie wie deze gedachten heeft
Ben jij de eigenaar?
Kijk naar binnen en zie dat het alleen 'de illusie is, dat de gedachten van jou zijn'
Dat ze alleen maar verschijnen..
In jou opkomen...
Zolang je in de ban bent van de gedachten is er lijden.
Zodra je ziet dat het alleen maar wolken zijn die voorbij drijven ben je vrij.

Ontwaak en vervolg je pad.